” PatientLink has the best support staff in the health care industry! “
Chris Reichert, Catholic Medical Center
” We see about 150 or more patients a day and run from 1 to 3 history forms on each patient. It (the scanner) has never broken down and has never given us any trouble. If I had an employee who could do 150 histories a day and never took a day off or called in sick I would pay her a lot more than I paid for this scanner. It is very fast and very easy to use. It was easy to set up and took about 10 minutes to teach everyone how to use it. When we changed EHR systems, we did not want to import our old histories and we did not think our staff could learn a new system and at the same time update histories on everyone we see. The scanner saved us. All the histories got updated with minimal stress on the staff and our transition was much smoother.”
Dr. Steve Hess, Westgate Family Physicians
” I love working with PatientLink. Great company and great people. “
Sibylle Freiwald, Barrow Neurosurgical Associates
“We tell anybody and everybody that your product is great! “
Mary Hoyer, Northwest Heart Specialists
We are very happy with the product and your [PatientLink’s] ability to provide solid technical support/interaction with Allscripts Pro EHR. Our Clinical Nursing Supervisor is currently working with your staff to convert the current bubble form we have to an on-line form, so that we can deliver an electronic option to our patients. We are excited about this ability that then translates to us being able to import the discrete variables into PRO.
Cindy Gray, CNOS
Love PatientLink® in both of our clinics. The structured data going into the chart saves significant wait time. Debi and the entire PatientLink® team are fabulous!
Amy Roberts, Kansas City Bone & Joint
“The PatientLink® forms and scanner are working very well. They are saving us a great deal of time and we are very happy with our decision.”
Tom McNeil, Ortho KY
” PatientLink® has worked remarkably well and consistently for our staff. It has definitely minimized the time it takes for the intake process. The process is simple and straightforward for the front desk and clinical staff. It has allowed TCO to collect patient information accurately and completely in a consistent manner across physicians. As a company, PatientLink® has been very responsive and easy to do business with. They have been prompt, helpful, and flexible. We would recommend them to anyone that wants to streamline the EMR intake process. We are very happy with the product and your [PatientLink’s] ability to provide solid technical support/interaction with Allscripts Pro EHR. Our Clinical Nursing Supervisor is currently working with your staff to convert the current bubble form we have to an on-line form, so that we can deliver an electronic option to our patients. We are excited about this ability that then translates to us being able to import the discrete variables into PRO.”
Paul Kreiser, Twin Cities Orthopedics
“PatientLink should start a Support Training center for other companies so they can have awesome support staff. Your company is amazing in so many ways!!! “
Lee Riley, Memphis Orthopaedic Group
“We are very pleased with PatientLink®. It is so helpful to have the patient information already in our system when the patient arrives. The patient wait time is shorter and we feel like the physician has more information at hand.”
Marilyn Reagan, Gadsden Orthopaedics and Sports Medicine
“With the advent of Meaningful Use, we were overwhelmed with even more history that needed to be in the chart a certain way so that reports could be run for compliance. New patients took 20-30 minutes to room, with the nurse having to enter complete family, medical, surgical, and social histories in addition to allergies, medications, vitals, etc. This, in turn, put a strain on the physician who had to wait an extended length of time, as well as make sense out of some of the handwritten explanations on the new patient history form. […] In January, we began working with the PatientLink staff on our initial intake patient history forms. Although they provided us with a variety of preexisting forms, we chose to create our own. They could not have been more helpful. In March, we started using the forms in our practice. The simple bubble forms are so easy for patients to complete. The front desk then scans the forms into the record, and when the nurse rooms the patient, she simply downloads the entire history directly into the chart. AMAZING!! The history is far more extensive, meets Meaningful Use requirements, and most importantly, saves 15-20 minutes rooming every new patient. My clinical staff was so excited that finally there was something that made their lives easier! This process enhanced our workflow and made the process much smoother for the nurse, patient, and physician. We are now in the process of developing forms for all of the specialties in our group. Even the CEO of our organization made a special trip to our clinic to see this awesome process. He was very impressed by this innovative product that made such a difference in improving our workflow through the clinic. “
Lyn Clements, Clinic Administrator, Integris Family Care Yukon
” [We are] very pleased with PatientLink. It has improved patient flow through the office and reduced workload on clinical staff. “
Elise Harlin, Vidalia Women’s Center
We use PatientLink® and think it is the best thing since bread & butter. We tell everybody about it.
Carolyn Baldwin, Virginia Surgical Associates
More than X companies across the United States rely on PatientLink to streamline their patient data collection.

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