Let PatientLink be your one-stop-shop for all your patient intake solutions!
Our specialty is collecting information from patients (or really any user) and sending it into your EHR (or any location) in the format that you need. We can even send the information to multiple locations at the same time! We have different products for different needs. Here’s how our products differ:
PatientLink Scan
Not every patient is tech savvy. Sometimes it helps to offer a universally accepted solution, like paper.
Our paper-based forms can be mailed to a patient or completed once they arrive for their appointment. When the form is scanned, PatientLink software reads the patient responses and sends their information into your EHR as structured data…into all the correct fields!
Click Here to find out more about our Scan software.

PatientLink Online
Many of your patients are comfortable with technology, so why not give them the option to complete their forms from any device, at any time.
Our online solution is perfect for clinical intake, signature capture, risk assessment, and research. The patient’s info is sent as structured data into your EHR, database, or to any location of your choice.
Click Here to find out more about our Online software.
PatientLink 360
PatientLink 360 is our Full Patient Check-In product!
360 expands our PatientLink Online product by adding the ability for patients to complete both practice management intake forms and bill payment, as well as clinical intake forms. PatientLink 360 integrates directly with your EHR and your Practice Management software. All forms can be completed at home or in the office from any device.
Click Here to find out more about our 360 software.

Every patient deserves to be in control of their own personal health records.
MyLinks gives the patient the power to collect, review, and share access to their records with anyone, at any time. Patients are able create a free and secure profile using any web-enabled device.
Click Here to find out more about our MyLinks application.